

It’s the worst when you SPORTS differently than those around you!

Makes for awkward pauses, odd looks, and a general sense of “are we even from the same planet”. Oh, and believe me when I tell you, there apparently is a way to SPORTS wrong…

I’ve been told numerous times that I ruin it for others; but I don’t think that is a correct statement. I seem to be on the same page as all of the other individuals in attendance. Side note: During these trying times, NO ONE SHOULD BE IN ATTENDANCE. Back to the point, if I were in the arena, I feel relatively sure that my opinion on the SPORTS would be taken quite well. I guess it comes down to a simple fact; I SPORTS incorrectly in my own home.

Cool deal! It’s nice to know my SPORTS should be subdued within the confines of the place that creates the greatest stress in my life, and for which I desperately look to actively SPORTS in order to find release from said stress.

Well you know the old saying, your wrong, set a better example, don’t be an asshole! I guess it applies to SPORTSING too.

Back to the drawing board for this old SPORTSER!

Final Thought: Post Pandemic I will no longer do my SPORTSING in my home.

Follow up: Top 10 Places to SPORTS that aren’t in your home?

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